Thursday, May 20, 2010

Insight from Bible Study

II Cor 12:9
Each time he said, "My gracious favor is all you need my power works best in your weakness" so now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may work through me.

I was listening to Blessed Redeemer by Casting Crowns while doing this and something struck me very deeply.

God used Jesus in his weakest moment on the cross to save me! The power of God shown through in Jesus' weakest moment. Just as the verse says "my power works best in your weakness". Did God use Tristan at his weakest to save me yet again? God knew that my miscarriage would draw me closer to Him because He has always known when I would draw close, He has always known every step and motion I would take. And now using me in my weakness of grief to share His words and love with others. It feels like a full circle. Weakness = God's power.

I have never felt so loved and cared for in my life as I do in this very moment. My heart is filled with peace and love. The Lord is working within me in ways I could never even imagine. I am blessed. Thank You Heavenly Father! Thank you for making me part of your plans. Thank you for sending your son to forgive me. Thank you for giving me weakness so that you may be the light and force to shine through.


  1. I'm glad you had this revelation. You are right in that God used Jesus when He appeared the weakest and it was POWERFUL!!!

  2. I'm so glad you are finding peace. I am so glad to have met you and to have found this Bible Study Group! Each week and each lesson I feel my heart healing. <3
