Thursday, December 3, 2009

Merry Christmas From Heaven

I wanted to post the poem but don't want to get in trouble for it since the poem is copyrighted. below is a link to read:


  1. Amanda, I came over from your link at Kelly's the Beauty of sufficient grace... I am so sorry for your loss... I also miscarried our first child (started spotting at 12 weeks, diagnosed at 14 as miscarrying).. I read through your blog a little and learned about your parents as well.. I would guess that your going through a process of greving all those losses.. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

    Have you heard of "GriefShare"? It's often offered through churches. My husband and I went through it after we lost our youngest child. I actually did it twice. You have a workbook and watch a video each week and have a brief sharing time in a small group.. it is Christian based and it helped me to learn a lot about the grief journey and not feel quite so alone in my emotions.

    I enjoy the poetry and things you've shared as well.

  2. Amanda...I am so sorry for your loss, and pray God's continued comfort and grace for your family, especially during this Christmas season. Thank you for posting a link to this very special poem. It's one I love, too. I am so grateful for the hope we have in seeing those we love in heaven one day, because of the gift of our Savior.

    Blessings and Prayers,
    Kelly Gerken
    Sufficient Grace Ministries

  3. A beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it with us.
